555–Premiere in the series of “The World of Sparks–UNCUT!”


Photo credit: Astrid Jirka

Over the past few years, several people have apparently made “bootleg” recordings of some of the one-take, “extended play,” uncensored stories I have told on Friday afternoons. I started doing these live in Gainesville, Florida in 2001 when I used to live there and have continued to do them pretty regularly since. Most of the ones recorded were musings and stories I shared at Ngare Sero — the amazing five star eco lodge and yoga retreat center on the slopes of Mt. Meru in Tanzania, which also goes by the name “Sparks Center–Africa.” I have also shared many at the Feed Your Spark Retreat Center in Lincoln, Vermont and in Ithaca where I have lived for the past ten years. I knew that many had been recorded, but I just asked people to keep them to themselves and up until now, that has always been honored, to my knowledge. In the past few weeks a bunch have come in to the Sparks Center and I have decided to start putting them up here and I have started digging through my own private collection to find others.

For those of you who might be new to the site, please note that our normal posts are usually 1 minute and 59 seconds long.