Reach For The Next Highest Available ING


Art credit: Alice Muhlback

Every time you have the awareness that your spark number is dropping — or has already dropped below an 8 — you should immediately “reach for the next highest available ING.” That is to say, you should move to the top of your to do list the activity you can do that will most quickly boost your spark number.

 Here are the precise steps to help you make that happen: 

* Make a list of your “These Are A Few Of My Favorite INGs” list of 50 tops INGs. See “Model INGs lists.”

* Print out and keep copies of your INGs list in several places where you often experience Sparkfall, or where you go regularly and could get a quick reminder. One person I coach keeps one copy in her office, one in her car and one in her bathroom!

* Look right down your INGs list until you find which of them would truly be “reaching for the most easily available high ING for quick Sparklift” that you could engage in RIGHT NOW where you are. One person I spoke to yesterday said she is clustering her highest INGs on her list by location of where should could do them, so that she can look through a more manageable list such as what she could if she is at home and has sparkdrop from some moment with her partner or kids, at work etc.

* Spark On!