These Are A Few Of My Favorite INGs


Photo credit: Astrid Jirka

We can do WAY better than just “preventing burnout.” The Sparks Center is committed to supporting you to move towards Peak Performance in your work and your efforts to create positive change, while having lots of Peak Experiences.

Having studied Peak Performance for more than 30 years, I can tell you that one of the primary indicators of who thrives over time and succeeds at their work is do you spend at least 50% of your working hours on your highest “INGs” – the actual activities you engage in that energize you the most?

If you have not recently created a “These Are A few of My favorite INGs,” list of your Top 50 INGs – with “modifiers,” (the specific conditions that have to be present for this activity to be particularly energizing for you, I strongly encouraged you to do so and share it with us, as many of you have done this month. We are posting three here that we think are good examples.

Two people in workshops with me this past month have sung me some of their favorite INGs to the tune of “These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things!”

I would love you to send along a recording of yourself singing some of your favorite INGs, so we can put up a more lyrical, sparky example. Even, if you are not, ready to share your singing, however, at least share with us your collection of what energizes you the most. Spark On!

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