What is “Enough?”


Art Credit: Alice Muhlback spiritandkitsch.com



Here is a great email that just came in from Sparker Amy Mason. Right now Amy is completing the “M.O.S.T.” training program (Master Of Sparking Technique). She has gone further than almost anyone in learning the details of the Twelve Integrated Practices of Sparking. This is her response (shared with permission) to the crucial twin questions for us all to consider: “What Is TRULY Important?” and “What Is ENOUGH?”

It is easy on a given day to feel “my day was kind of — I don’t know, less than satisfying,” or “this week was kind of a bust,” or even “my life is not quite what I had hoped it could be.” It can help a lot to answer for yourself, “what am I really after and what would be “enough” even if things don’t always go according to plan and my life presents me with some real curve balls?”

Here is Amy’s answer.

What Is Enough For Me? revised 4/5/17

A day is enough when I:

Create and celebrate at least five moments of GLEE. Period.

A week is enough when I:

  1. Create and celebrate at least five moments of GLEE on at least 5 days
  2. Track at least 5 moments in which I have sparked someone to help improve their sense of joy or hope, at least in the moment if not in some lasting way.
  3. Inventory my GLEE, Significant Developments and Story Material and record a Story of the Week.
  4. Complete at least two segments towards my Ace Challenge on three or more days
  5. Experience a spark number of a ’10′ at least once
  6. Create/Experience Threefer Madness at least three times

A month is enough when I:

  1. Create and celebrate at least 5 moments of GLEE on at least 20 days
  2. Track at least 20 moments in which I have sparked someone to help improve their sense of joy or hope.
  3. Gather my materials and create a Story of the Week at least 3 times
  4. Complete at least 2 segments towards my Ace Challenge on 10 or more days
  5. Experience a spark number of a ’10′ at least 5 times
  6. Create/Experience Threefer Madness at least 10 times
  7. Experience 9/10 or 10/10 of my fuel sources to the extent I defined as “enough”

 A quarter is enough when I:

  1. Experience 9/10 or 10/10 of my fuel sources to the extent I intended for all 3 months
  2. Gather my materials and create a Story of the Week at least 12 times
  3. Reach my Ace Challenge for that quarter, which moves me toward my three year big picture vision of success.

This vision is very close to my own vision of what is enough for me. I also have a few things in my vision about taking action in the world through my Sweet Spot for Sparking Change. Amy has that other-regarding consideration in her A.C.E. Challenge. You may come up with some different answer for yourself, of course, but I will encourage you to make sure you at least give real thought to these questions. Certainly before you just conclude something along the lines of “my life kinda sucks right now.” Please write back and share YOUR vision of “What is Enough?”

Note: As this art suggests, what I am suggesting is not just that you choose to see the glass of your life as “half full” rather than “half empty,” but that you get clear about your vision of a good life/your vision of success, and really come to live with the sense of satisfaction that when you are on track for this, your life can be great (full of a sense of joy, meaning and impact) even when it might be “three quarters full.” Spark On!

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